Hopkins Hall gallery and Ace of Cups, OSU Interactive exhibition, panels, workshops, rock concert. August 25- Oct 3 2014
Organized by Jen Reeder Founder of Tracers and Melissa Vogley Woods.
Tracers Book Club (TRACERS) is a diverse, inclusive and publicly engaged collective dedicated to promoting feminism and all forms of human equality. Tracers is a radical initiative committed to social justice and gender lawlessness. Tracers proposes and promotes self-determination as a civil right. Tracers is for EVERYONE. Tracers is the revolution. Tracers Exhibition, lecture series, workshops occurred at Hopkins Hall Gallery from August 25-October 4th with a collection of revolutionary artifacts, a feminist reading room and an interactive timeline of the history of women’s experiences among other radical ephemera. Associated events include a series of panel conversations about feminism and intersectionality and a youth poetry day camp at the Hopkins Hall Gallery on the campus of OSU and a grrrl rock show at Ace of Cups.Participants in the Tracers events included:Participants: C0-Organizer Jen Reeder, Micol Hebron's Gallery Tally: Equality in the Art world Poster Project, Mytheli Sreenivas, Tracy Zollinger Turner, Macrorie Dean, Maria K DiFranco, Lisa McClymont, Laura Larson, Cathy Waggoner, Dr. Treva Lindsey, Dionne Edwards , Krista Benson, Gretel Young, Erin Fletcher, Susan Saltzburg; the bands “Katherine” , “The Girls” "DIdi", DJ Chris Conti, Jenna Rochelle, Capitol Crushers; Poets, Hanna Stephenson, Colleen Morrissey, Kim Leddy and Students from Mosaic, with assistance provided by Hopkins Hall Gallery and curator Merijn Van der Heijden.